Go Off-Road Barnsley
Lowland Financial

Scottish Borders Junior Football Association

Developmental Four aside Leagues (8’s)

Developmental Fours will be introduced at the 8 years old age group  for season 2008/2009 as opposed to current seven aside format that is presently being deployed at 9’s and above. The theory behind this development is that with the playing area being reduced, and also with reduction in players, there will be more touches of the ball for players within the game. No recording of results takes place and emphasis is on player development.


Developmental Seven aside Leagues (9's, 10’s,11’s & 12’s)

This initiative has been formed to create a structured and educational transition from four aside to seven aside football. There are Leagues running for 9s, 10’s, 11’s, and 12’s age groups. There are currently around 500 youngsters actively involved in the structured weekly Leagues for these age levels. There is a code of conduct that all players, coaches, officials and parents must adhere to. No recording of results takes place and emphasis is on player development. The season starts in September for both Leagues and there is a midseason break In December, January and February. Second half of season recommences in March/April and season concludes with the Borders Football Festival at Netherdale in  June.



Development Eleven aside Leagues (13’s – 17’s)

This initiative has been formed to create a structured and educational transition from seven aside to eleven aside football. There are Leagues running for 13’s, 14’s, 15’s and 17’s age groups. There are currently around 550 youngsters actively involved in the structured weekly Leagues for 13’s, 14’s, 15’s and 17’s age levels. The 1st year League starts at 13’s where there are no results recorded in the first half of the season and all coaches are given an in-service by SFA staff on how to shape their eleven aside team. There is a retreat line introduced where play is encouraged to be built from the back four through midfield to strikers. There is a code of conduct the all players, coaches, officials and parents must adhere to. First competition is a group stages tournament where final takes place at Festival of Football at Netherdale. The 2nd year 14’s League results are recorded for full season. Coaches receive in-service training from SFA staff on different playing formations. There is also a knockout cup competition with finals taking place Festival of Football at Netherdale. There are a further two leagues run at 15’s and 17’s age groups with results recorded and cup competitions for both age groups.

Pitch Locator

ANCRUMBridgend Park, Ancrum, JA68 & A698, TD8 6SR
CHIRNSIDEComrades Park, The Loaning, Chirside, TD11 3YE
COLDSTREAMJim Patterson Pavilion, Home Park, Coldstream, Berwickshire, TD12 4DT
DUNSGavinton Pitches, Gavinton, TD11 3QT
EARLSTONRunciman Park, Acorn Drive, Earlston, Berwickshire, TD4 6BW
EYEMOUTHWarner Park, Stebbings Rise, Eyemouth, TD14 5DX
GALA FAIRYDEAN ROVERS3G Arena, Nether Road, Netherdale, Galashiels, TD1 3HE
HAWICK3G Volunteer Park, Buccleugh Road, Hawick, TD9 0EL
KELSOWoodside Park, Dryinghouse Lane, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 7DG
LAUDERSports Pavilion, Lauder Park, Lauder, Berwickshire, TD2 6QL
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