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Central Ayrshire Youth Football Association

CAYFA was established in 1975 and celebrated it's silver jubilee in the year 2000. CAYFA is affiliated to the Scottish Youth Football Association and through them to the Scottish Football Association. CAYFA operate and organise seven a side trophy free football for age groups 8s,9s,10, and 11s. Eleven a side is available for age twelves as a transitional season, fully supported by Association funded coaching courses for all age twelve players, coupled with Referee visits to clubs to discuss and explain eleven a side rules, before moving up to age 13, and on up the age scales, to take up competition football, and put all their development skills into practice.

CAYFA are also developing four versus four football for age 7s. This development will progress throughout season 2009 / 2010 on an "as required" basis in association with the SFA and will be made available to all our member clubs who wish to develop age sevens in anticipation of moving into our age 8 league next season.

In summary, CAYFA offer development four versus four football for age 7s, seven a side trophy free football in organised leagues, interspersed with Association funded festivals through out the season for ages 8 through 11, eleven a side trophy free football for age 12s, and moving into competitive football at age 13 and upwards, offering League Championship competition and various Cup Competitions The objective of the management committee of the Association is to make the game as easy as possible for the volunteers who manage and coach teams, and as varied and enjoyable as possible for all the players. To this end, the cooperation, assistance and dedication of all our members, be they managers, coaches, players or committee members of teams, clubs and indeed the Association, is paramount in achieving the aims of the Association to bring Association Football to the youth of Ayrshire.

Pitch Locator

AC Crosshouse / Dreghorn F CLindsay Park, Playingfield Road, Crosshouse, KA2 0JJ
AC Irvine Colts / EaglesRecreation Park, Quarry Road, Irvine, KA12 0TH
Balmoral ThistleBalmoral Park, Balmoral Road, Kilmarnock, KA3 1HL
Beith JuniorsMarshlands Park, Beith, KA15 1DQ
Bellfield ColtsWhatcriggs Road, Kilmarnock, KA1 3SZ
Bellfield RoyalsWhatcriggs Road, Kilmarnock, KA1 3SZ
Bonnyton ThistleBonnyton Park, Warwickshire Road, KA1 2LT
Caledonian Colts / ThistleAcademy Park, Shawfarm Road, Prestwick, KA9 2LB
Caledonian United / ThistleAcademy Park, Shawfarm Rd, Prestwick, KA9 2LB
Celtic Comm Acad / Largs ColtsKilwinning Sports, Pennyburn Road, Kilmarnock, KA13 6LF
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The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation - Finding more effective ways to detect and treat cancer.
Jamie Oliver Foundation
Cardiac Risk in the Young
NSPCC - New helpline for footballers who've experienced sexual abuse
Kick It Out
Prostate Cancer UK - Find out how you can help stop prostate cancer being a killer
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